Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ablaze: Finding Wholeness

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

I'm not sure about you all but I've been so blessed by the Ablaze series by Annie, Nicole, Erin and Annie.

Hearing from these ladies has encouraged, challenged and inspired me to pursue God in my singleness. I reflected while at work this morning (the thunderstorm kept people away from the pool) and here are some of my thoughts.

I don't have singleness figured out. I've been so confused by the Christian relationship culture. I haven't had time to truly learn what it means to being a single young woman seeking to be conformed to the image of Jesus.

In my quest to learn what this means I've studied the Bible, I've read books and I've listened to more than my fair share of sermons.

*What I've seen biblically is God honors women who seek Him first*

Rahab: hid the Israelite spies and is named in the "hall of faith" (Hebrews 11).
Ruth: made Naomi's God her God and as a result is one of the women listed in the genealogy of Jesus.
Esther: spoke up for God's chosen people and saved them from destruction
Mary: suffered ridicule for being pregnant out of wedlock but understood the privilege of carrying the Messiah
Anna: A devout Jewish widow that prophesied about Jesus and was able to see Him as a baby
Mary (Martha's sister): sat at the feet of her Master to learn from His teaching

In the books I've read and the sermons I've heard there seems to be an emphasis on preparing oneself for marriage. Not that this is a bad thing, we all want to be prepared if God should bring a spouse into our lives. However, what about young women who feel God has called them to a lifetime of singleness?

A couple months ago, I came to a realization:

I'm probably going to be single for the rest of my life

I'm not slamming the door shut on marriage but God has placed specific burdens on my heart and pursuing those burdens is going to require time and energy I might only have when I'm single. This was an incredibly difficult realization for me because even though I've been saying my whole life that I don't want to get married, deep down I've dreamed about my future husband. I've always hoped and wished that God would bring a man into my life, someone with whom I could enter marriage.

However, this hasn't happened yet. Admittedly, I'm still quite young and I've learned, the hard way, you can't tell God no.


For now and for the foreseeable future, I am single. As I came to this realization, I started looking at my old Bible study notes, reading through some books and listening to some sermons. I realized that none of these books focused on seeking God in singleness without intentionally and consciously preparing for a life of marriage.

It's not that I don't want to be prepared for marriage. Rather, I want to seek God in a way that I will be prepared to be single or married. I want to learn to be a woman after God's own heart who's wholeness comes from being in Christ alone, not through marriage. My life's focus should be on God and seeking His glory, nothing else. Any hole I feel in my life can only be filled by my Savior.

So, I will surrender my anxieties to God (Philippians 4:6-7) and find rest in God alone (Psalm 62).

P.S. if you know of a book that speaks to this issue please suggest it on this page.

*Some of the coolest storm clouds I've ever seen*

If you missed out on the series check out the posts below!
Annie on singleness
Nicole on dating
Erin on breaking up
Annie on marriage


  1. I took a "Religious Studies" Intro class and absolutely LOVED it. It was so interesting to me. I also learned that most theologans are more "scientists." That is cool to me that you say you are completely God's and are a theologian as well. Of course that is possible..but I've definitely heard a lot more. I adore you for putting those Bible names/stories up there. Truly!

    ♥ xoxo.
    we & serendipity

  2. Wow, thank you for sharing your heart in such a honest way. I can hear your heart for the Lord so clearly through every word of this. I'm glad I'm able to learn from you.

  3. I loved when you said that you want to seek God in a way that will prepare you for marriage or singleness! I believe that's the key. We pursue our relationship with God so that we can glorify Him in any situation we face. Thanks for sharing what you're learning, and if I find any books on singleness I'll let you know!

  4. you have such a precious, beautiful heart, my friend!
    i LOVE how you drew comparisons back to the women of the Bible - so helpful and encouraging.
    you are a gem, girl. keep on pursuing Jesus, and He will never let you down! :) hugs!

  5. i really love this, Tiffany! i really love that you addressed the possibility of lifetime singleness - i think that's something every girl should be aware is fully an option in the plans God might have for her life. praying for you, friend! God will be your strength and your mainstay whether you serve Him solo or with a husband.
