Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Senior Picture Album

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

This trip is different than any other. I’m not packing for a weekend, two weeks or even two months. I packing for an entire school year. Having just graduated and moved out of college, I have the perfect opportunity to sort through all of my belongs, organize everything and decide what’s coming, what’s staying and what’s being tossed. 

During this process I came across an interesting piece of history, my senior picture photo book. Do you remember those things? The little black photo holder that you collected your friends senior photos? If your friends were anything like my friends they wrote cute and funny farewell notes on the back of their pictures.

As I looked through these pictures I realized I’m not in touch with ANY of these people anymore. I’m not kidding. I have no idea what’s going on in the lives of a single one of these people. For some reason, the people with whom I kept in touch never gave me their senior pictures *cough Annie cough*. 

I got a bit nostalgic, granted high school wasn’t that fun for me, but I did have some great friends. However, I was one of the few people who went out of state for college. In addition, I went to a private school where everyone was training for full-time kingdom work. My life went in a completely different direction than my high school friends. The majority of my friends in high school weren’t Christians. It seems as we went through college our lives went down completely separate paths and we had nothing to talk about anymore. 

I’m friends with most of them on Facebook but social media can only provide you so much information. I’ve seen them at college parties. I’ve seen them on Spring Break. I’ve seen them at their graduations. Yet I still feel completely disconnected.

I don’t think I ever seriously expected to keep in touch with all of these people. Now my circle of friends is centered around college. However, these people are from all over the country and world. Aside from school, there’s no central place to see this amazing group of girls. I’m going to miss them so much while I’m overseas but I hope I’ll do a better job keeping in touch :) 

1 comment:

  1. well, you're in luck, because i still have senior pictures left and i have been wondering what on earth to do with them. and now i have an answer: give them to you! haha.

    you know, i've thought about this same thing a lot recently, especially since i moved home. that's another reason leaving GR was so distasteful to me; i didn't make a lot of friends in college but i kept even less from high school, so coming back here, even though my family was here and it was all familiar, is almost like starting from scratch when it came to friends.

    i read mwf seeking bff by rachel bertsche recently, and besides being really good, it was really relevant to my life right now. i would recommend it! (i'll go stick that recommendation in the comment form you have so it can be all official.)
