Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Letters


Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

Dear Storage Bins,
Did you get smaller in the last 2 months? I was sure I fit more of my belongings into you the last time I packed. Are you conspiring against me? I know I have too much stuff but my current concern is getting it all back to Michigan. Then, I promise I'll get rid of some stuff :)

Dear Fellow Bloggers,
You girls are such an encouragement to me! Even though I'm not able to comment as I would like on every post, I want you all to know that your posts warm my heart and challenge me, as a blogger and a young woman. The way you share your hearts and lives with all of your readers is inspiring. I can't wait to see what comes next!

Dear Chicago Weather,
Can you please decide what season you want it to be? Preferably, something mild. Rapidly changing between blistering heat and violent thunderstorms makes it difficult for me to enjoy the Chicago summer. Is this payback for a practically non-existent winter? 

Dear Students From Last Summer,
Can you believe I'm going to be on your side of the world again in less than 2 weeks! I can't wait to visit you all and see what's going on in your life. Most of you have started university or will be entering this fall. I know you've grown into mature young women chasing your dreams. I hope you are enduring Ramadan well and spending lots of time with your families. I miss you so much!!!!!!!

Dear Macaroni and Cheese,
I became addicted to you during my recovery from my wisdom teeth extraction. You are delicious and comforting, as well as easy to chew :) However, you're not aiding in my quest to get back in shape. In fact you are detrimental to it. So, if you could find a way to make yourself less appetizing and appealing I would be greatly appreciative.

Dear Swim Students,
I can't believe my last class with you is over. I've had a blast getting to know you over this past year. It brings a smile to my face just thinking about you. You were the highlight of my week all throughout the school year. I loved the way you loved swim class and practiced so hard to get everything right. It amazes me how far you all have come. I hope a new swim teacher will come along soon.



  1. just found your blog! moving overseas? so exciting!

    Have a great weekend!! Stop by and say hi!

  2. Hey Tiffany! Thanks so much for visiting and following my blog! Sorry I've been a bit slow at checking yours out =) Which... I'm going to begin now! =D

  3. P.S. I can't wait to hear more about your trip and this new adventure the Lord is taking you on!

  4. Just found your blog! I love it already & I can't wait to catch up!!


  5. Love your heart ;) And I love our fellow bloggers too - what a blessing this community is!!

  6. dear mac and cheese we are definitely best friends and i can eat you any time anywhere i love you. hope the healing from the wisdom teeth has been smooth!
