Thursday, August 2, 2012

August Goals

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

I'm stealing this idea from this Annie, though I am sure it is a common post among other bloggers :)

1.Read at least three books- preferably two off of my required reading list and one leisure book. This is quite doable seeing has I have a double digit hour plane ride coming up towards the end of the month.
2. Connect with my partnership team- this is quite vague but before I leave on the 23rd I’m hoping to make connections, in person, over the phone, via Skype and through email with the people partnering with me as I go overseas. With only 3 weeks left I’ll be quite busy.
3. Finish my Gulf Arabic Review Book- my Arabic is quite rusty. I want to at least get my conversational skills back to a decent level before I leave. The only weird part is most of the audio recordings are of men speaking instead of women. 
4. Stay on top of my thank you notes- as people continue to support me I am sending out hand written thank you notes. Honestly, it’s a great problem to have so many people responding that my thank you notes are piling up :)
5. Raise the rest of my partnership team- I can’t post too much about this on the blog but if you want more info email me!
6. Arriving safely overseas- including but not limited to...adjusting to the climate and the time zone, getting along with the other teachers, preparing well for the upcoming school year and settling into my new apartment.
This should keep me busy for the month! What are your August goals?

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