Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Encouragement (a.k.a. why I love blogging)

Location: Old Town - Chicago, IL

I have been on the receiving end of encouragement lately...

It started this past weekend when I received a surprise in the mail. A real amazing surprise :)

You know that feeling you get when you sort through your mail and it's not junk, bills or something from a mass distribution list? The feeling you get when you you see a hand written address.

When you see a return address from a person, not a company.

When you turn it over and someone's taken the time to write "a note special for you". That's the feel I got this past Saturday when I received a note from Samantha

Inside the envelope I found an encouraging note from this sweet blogging friend, a source of encouragement as the preparations for my trip continue. I sat down and soaked up every word of the note, thankful for friends like her. 

I hope one day I can meet this amazing girl in person.

I received quite a similar feeling when I opened my financial management page for my upcoming trip and a new donor's name popped up. Most new donors email me and let me know that they will donate but this name took me by surprise.

It was my dear friend (both via blog and high school) Annie who donated to my trip. This amazing girl who just got back from a trip of her own sacrificially gave to my trip. I was humbled and overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude. I can't wait to see her in person (so SOON!), give her a big hug and hear all about Spain.

There are other girls who have done the same who aren't mentioned here but I appreciate just the same. These just happen to be the girls who most recently, in a time of great stress, have blessed me.

I hope as I continue blogging to forge these kinds of relationships with other amazing young women. If you want to know more about my upcoming trip let me know. I would love to share!

*A quick note: I apologize for being so sporadic in my blogging recently. My life has been quite busy with preparations and hasn't left much time for much else. I'll be playing catch up the next couple days :)*


Sunday, July 29, 2012


Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

I'm quite a poor communicator.

This isn't a joke...my communication skills leave quite a bit to be desired. My thoughts make sense in my head but when it comes to expressing them to other people it's quite difficult. I attribute this to a couple different reasons:

1. Thoughts flow through my head at an incredibly rapid pace. I'm constantly writing things down on post-its, making lists on my computer and setting reminders in my phone. If I don't record something quick it enough I'll completely forget

2. My brain tends to skip steps when it comes to solving problems. This caused many problems in my math and science classes when it came to showing work. It always made sense to me how I got to the answer but some steps were so automatic to me it didn't seem necessary to write them down.

So when it comes to explain my thoughts to other people I tend to ramble, take multiple tangents and forget to connect my thoughts together. This affects the way I do my lesson planning and the way I write my update letters.

This struggle caused some anxiety in the month of July because I was in the position where I needed to ask for financial support. I prepared a letter and decided to send it out hard copy instead of via email. I agonized over whether or not I had made it clear how God had brought me to this place so quickly and why I was asking for financial support. At the time I was reading an amazing book about the support raising topic and it helped tremendously. However, there was still a small seed of doubt within me, wondering whether or not everything would come together.

Just the other day I was on the phone with my mother (who has been incredible throughout this whole process, I heard some horror stories at orientation about other families) and I was telling her about all of the new financial supporters had given. I was so amazed that in only a couple weeks God had provided all of my one-time financial support needs, a third of my monthly pledges and nearly a quarter of my daily prayer partners. Then my mom said something that really struck me:

"It's quite a confirmation"

This revealed two different things to me. One, God has called me to this work. He wouldn't have placed it on people's hearts to give and He wouldn't have provided the way He has if it wasn't His will. Two, no matter how poor of a communicator I am, I cannot mess up God's plans. It reminded me of the story of Moses, who even though he was old and had a speech impediment, God used him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God works through broken, imperfect people to accomplish His Will. God's shown me this countless times and it still manages to astound me every time :)

P.S. I got to meet a young woman who lives about 45 mins outside of Chicago who's going to be teaching at the same school this fall and she's AMAZING!!!!! We spent a couple hours at Starbucks talking and getting to know each other. I'm so excited!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

On My Way {Part 6}

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

I figured I break my blogging absence (while recuperating from my wisdom teeth removal) with another addition to the On My Way series...

I arrived in Texas on June 12th and I was so excited! I couldn't wait to meet the other candidates and see all of the office staff again. It had been a year since I was at the office and I missed everyone during that year. After picking up some other candidates, short-termers and mobilizers we headed back to the office.

First, we had some lunch and I got the opportunity to say hi to everyone from last year. I also got to spend some time getting to know the other candidates and some office staff I hadn't met last year. Then we started the orientation to orientation :) I was practically jumping out of my seat waiting for the opportunity to talk about the teaching opportunity. God was (and still is) teaching me patience. Afterwards, we spent time sharing our testimonies. It was so amazing to hear how God brought all these different people to this place.

Finally After, I got to speak to the woman who sent me the email as well as a couple who is headed to the same school. The more and more I heard about the opportunity the more excited I became. The next day I emailed the principal of the school and got started on the application process.

It was exhausting trying to fill out the application during my free time at orientation. Our days were packed with training, interviews and meeting everyone. However, by God's grace I was able to finish the application during my time in Texas.

Then began the process of checking references, submitting medical forms and HR putting together a final proposal of the principal.

In other words, more waiting...

*This doesn't really have to do with my journey to getting overseas but I did purchase it because I'm going*

A package with my favorite company name on it was waiting for me when I got home from work this morning...

And inside was...

I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!! The bookworm inside of me is freaking out. I'm torn between my hard copies and my new toy.

Anyone else have an e-reader? How do you like it?

P.S. 28 days!!!!!!!!!!!

*Anybody interested in receiving my update emails with more specifics about this trip let me know (via comment or email) and I'll put you on my list*

Monday, July 23, 2012

miscellany monday

miscellany monday at lowercase letters

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

1. My oral surgeon is amazing. I had my wisdom teeth extracted on Saturday and everyone warned me that I would be in a lot of pain and heavily reliant on the narcotics. It didn't happen. My biggest problem is some jaw stiffness which makes it difficult to open my mouth very wide or talk, probably a good thing for me ;) I have to admit though the food choice leaves a bit to be desired but I'm not going to complain.

2. Annie is back from Spain!!!!!!!!!! This makes me so happy because I've missed her a ton! Also I can't wait to hear all about her time over there and what God did in and through her. 

3. I leave for overseas in 31 days :) That's one whole month. This seems so insane to me, mostly because I don't feel prepared in the least bit. However, God is faithful. He has been providing step by step and guiding me through this process. If you want to know more about this trip send me an email.

4. I'm managing to stay on top of my to-do list every week. I don't know how it's happening with my hectic schedule but God is giving me the wisdom of how to manage my time wisely. As a result my to-do lists are no more than 1 or 2 post-its on my computer. This may sound like a lot but usually my to-do lists are 4 to 5 post-its. Let's hope it stays this way for the rest of the summer.

5. I've got to watch a couple movies this weekend as I was recovering from the anesthetic, What's Your Number?, In Time and This Means War. I liked them all and I'm nervous that my movie addiction will soon be returning.

How was everyone's weekend? Any big summer plans coming up?

Friday, July 20, 2012

On Resting

Location: Old Town - Chicago, IL

I'm naturally a busy body. I have a hard time slowing down, being still and enjoying silence. I like to be out and about and I struggle with taking the appropriate time to rest.

I'm what I've come to describe as an outgoing introvert. There is a common misconception that shy/quiet is synonymous with introvert and outgoing/loud is synonymous with extrovert. In reality the two terms have to deal with from where you get your energy. While I enjoy being around people and being social it takes every ounce of energy I have. For me to be able to recharge and truly relax I need to spend time by myself; even though I still need to be doing something, writing, listening to music or reading a good book.

As a result, I don't rest enough. I go to be too late and I get up to early, attempting to do everything on my own strength. Recently God convicted me with these two verses:

                                                          Unless the LORD builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain.
    Unless the LORD watches over the city,
the watchman stays awake in vain.
It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep.
(Psalm 127:1-2 ESV)

I have an erroneous belief that if I don't do something it'll never get done, like I'm in control. God is teaching me that I need to surrender my desire for control and trust in His plan. This is lesson is becoming very practical as I prepare to move overseas. Details are changing every day. New problems crop up every time I try to take a step forward. I've learned to leave it in God's hands and wait for the next step He gives me.

What has God been teaching you lately?

On My Way {Part 5}

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

They're here!!!!!! I have a diploma and a TESOL certificate :)

*Anybody interested in receiving my update emails with more specifics about this trip let me know (via comment or email) and I'll put you on my list*

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

On My Way {Part 4}

Location: Bronzeville - Chicago, IL

*I can't wait to be back among the date palms and beautiful mountains*

*Anybody interested in receiving my update emails with more specifics about this trip let me know (via comment or email) and I'll put you on my list*

Monday, July 16, 2012

miscellany monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Location: Old Town - Chicago, IL

1. Remember last week when I said I aimed to cross everything off these to-do lists?

Take a look at this...

They're empty...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. I got to have another Skype conference call with some of the teachers I'll be working with this fall. This time we focused more on getting to know each other. I'm getting more excited if that's even possible :)

3. Look what came in my email today...

My diploma is on its way :)

4. I've officially installed a countdown on my dashboard :)

5. I've found a new British TV show...

It's all about being the ultimate bluffer...David Mitchell is hilarious!

How is your Monday going?


Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

Dear Jillian Michaels,

You and I are not friends...yet. Your video made me regret having legs. I can't believe I spent so much time with you last summer. Why are you punishing me for choosing a different workout style for 8 months? I hope I can learn to appreciate you soon.

Dear HIMYM and Big Bang Theory,

Your nightly marathons on Ion television are keeping me from doing what I need to do. While you are incredibly funny and quotable I cannot afford to keep you in my life. My to do lists will get longer and longer. My productivity level will get lower and lower. Please replace yourself with a TV show I don't like.

Dear Sunday School Students,

I love you all so much! I am privileged to spend every Sunday with you and learn from you. Thank you for putting up with my poor frisbee skills, my Spanish language errors and silliness. I know God is going to use each of you in a very special way. I'm praying for you all.

Dear Future Students,

I think about you all the time. I pray for you just as much. I'm incredibly excited to meet you. I can barely contain it. I know God is preparing each of you for our upcoming class time together. I hope you're enjoying your summer break. I'll see you soon!

Dear Blog Readers,

Each of you are precious to me. I'm so glad you're joining me on this journey. Know that I enjoy reading your blogs as well and staying connected with you. Thank you for all of your encouragement.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

On My Way {Part 3}

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

I opened up the email on my iPhone. The subject line simply read...

"Teaching Opportunity in the Arabian Peninsula -- Interested?" It was from the director of one of the departments of the company with whom I was doing orientation with in two months. 

Obviously, no harm would come from simply reading the email so I skimmed the contents:

The position is for this fall *uh-oh*
They needed an ESL teacher *check*
The position is paid *sigh of relief*
The required education was a Bachelor's degree *check*
Teaching experience was preferred *check*

As I finished the email I felt myself getting excited. I prayed, "Lord, keep my emotions in check. Don't let me starting making plans without knowing it's your will first."

I emailed back saying I was definitely interested and would love to talk at orientation in two weeks.

Then I prayed and waited...

*Anybody interested in receiving my update emails with more specifics about this trip let me know (via comment or email) and I'll put you on my list*

Friday, July 13, 2012


Location: Old Town - Chicago, IL

Things I will miss about the barrio:

-The vendors selling paletas, nieve y elote :)
-The music from the parties at night
-Being able to walk to church
-Living in the same neighborhood as most of the women from church
-Small group on Wednesday nights
-Being able to say hi to the neighbors on their porch steps on the walk home

Things I'm looking forward to in the AP:

-The FOOD; shwarma, rutub, lahem 
-Sitting on the floor eating with my hands (I'm a child at heart)
-Cahwa (real cahwa)
-My students!!!!!!!
-New roommates 
-No winter :)

Happy Friday!

P.S. 41 DAYS!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Arabic Practice

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

A demonstration of my basic remedial Arabic skills:

١ إسمي تيفاني ايش اسمش؟
٢ من أين آنت؟
٣ كيف حالش؟
٤ السلام عليكم، عليكم السلام
٥ الرب الاحنا ترابن واخد تثحنيه سته اربعة
٦ أفر حو ا في الرب كلحين واقول عندن أفر حو فيلبي اربعة اربعة

Translation (this is all in Gulf Arabic by the way):
1. My name is Tiffany, what is your name (female)?
2. Where are you from (female)?
3. How are you (female)?
4. Peace be unto you (and the response)
5. The Lord our God the Lord is One (Deuteronomy 6:4)
6. Rejoice in the Lord always I will say it again rejoice (Philippians 4:4)

My Arabic is a bit rusty so I'm sure there are some errors here :)

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

On My Way {Part 2}

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

*I leave 6 weeks from tomorrow (CRAZY RIGHT?!?!?!?!) for my very first official teaching job. I was inspired by the way my friend Annie shared her journey to Spain and started a series of posts titled "On My Way".*

It all began May 12th. I had walked across the stage. All of my stuff was officially moved out of the dorm. I had a couple five jobs that would last me until the of the summer. Then what?

The question plagued me as the big dark cloud (also known as the fall after graduation) loomed nearer and nearer. Every day I woke up having to surrender this anxiety to the Lord, seeking the peace that transcends all understanding.

I had put off grad school known that it wasn't where God had me in the fall. The security of school had vanished and I had to start applying for jobs. Thanks to the generosity of my pastor and his wife I was able to live in their house (RENT FREE!) until I figured out what I was going to do. I had a whole team of people praying for me and so I began the post-grad job hunt.

I didn't limit myself to teaching jobs, though inwardly that was my desire. I went on interview after interview. I found an apartment and then it fell through. A couple jobs looked promising but then they found someone else. The only thing I new for sure was that I would be going to a two week orientation in Texas. Beyond that I had no idea. By May 25th I was really struggling.

I prayed and I prayed, hoping the Lord would open a door.

And five days later He did :)

*Anybody interested in receiving my update emails with more specifics about this trip let me know (via comment or email) and I'll put you on my list*

On My Way {Part 1}

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

This my friends is my very first official teaching contract...

*Anybody interested in receiving my update emails with more specifics about this trip let me know (via comment or email) and I'll put you on my list*

Monday, July 9, 2012

miscellany monday

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. I had a Skype conference call with the principal and some of the teachers I will be working with this fall last Thursday. If it's possible this only made me more excited. We have another conference call this Thursday and we're going to focus more on getting to know each other. I'll be leaving 6 weeks from this Thursday...crazy right?!?!?!?!

2. I got to spend Saturday morning with my lovely friend Dawn. We got breakfast, did some shopping and hung out at her place. Due to our busy schedules we only get to see each other about once a month. It's always a treat :)

3. Sunday School went really well for what I would consider the first time since January. My gifting is not necessarily with young children but I'm learning a lot. 

Some of my boys begrudgingly let me take a picture of them

Frisbee time outside

The city isn't big on front lawns

Sidewalk chalk was also quite popular :)

4. I sent out my letters this weekend, officially announcing my trip overseas. I'm already getting some responses and I'm thankful to God for the people on my support team. *If you would like to receive these letters, send me an email and I'll put you on my list :)*

5. My to do list is getting longer and longer and so I've decided to make it my goal this week to finish everything on these 4 post-its. I'm sure new stuff will come up this week but if I can finish all of this by the end of the week I'll be one happy camper.

How was your weekend? Anyone else have some lengthy to do lists for the week?

The study that blew my mind

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

Finally, the post about the Bible study I talked about here and here.

I never really understood God's heart for the nations. I used to think going overseas and bearing witness was the means and the end of the mandate of the church. After this study I began to have a whole new perspective about God's heart.

In reality, the means AND the end is worship. Preoccupations with numbers and attracting people from the outside has twisted what the church is supposed to be doing all over the world. It has give birth to unbiblical methodologies.

This study looks at the mandate of the church through God's eyes, not man's. When I stopped and realized it is through our own personal worship that we draw others to God, I see how I've been doing it all wrong.

We cannot give what we do not have.

We cannot keeping giving what we don't keep getting.

Our hearts must be full in order for us to share with others.

In addition, this study included some shocking statistics about the focus of the church when it comes to reaching out. The majority of the church's resources go towards places which already have witnesses, speak English and don't require creative access.

However, the Biblical precedent set by Paul demonstrates a desire to preach where there are not witnesses. Where people are hostile. Where people whose name will be written in the Book of Life live. God loves these people and desires them to hear the real Good News.

It is for these reasons and many more that I am going. If you want to know more, email me :)

Good night!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Why I Hate Money

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL


Tangent: I wonder if this makes me the opposite of evil (cf. 1 Timothy 6:10)? I know that it doesn't but it was a thought that popped into my mind :)

I wish that I lived in a world where money isn't necessary. Where I wouldn't have to worry about having to much or not enough. Where I wouldn't have to keep track of one more thing in my life.

Of course, money is among the most frequently discussed topics in the Bible (I haven't had a chance to confirm whether or not the rumor about it being the most discussed is true). Regardless, it is quite popular and is directly tied to the the virtues of faith and generosity.

As someone who is looking to live a faith/support based lifestyle the topic of money is touchy. I just sent out a whole host of letters asking if people would join my support team for my upcoming trip overseas. I really hate the idea of asking people for money, especially people that I know.

However, I'm reading this amazing book called Friend Raising and it's helped me realize my attitude towards money and support raising has been all wrong.

I do an average job keeping in touch with people about what I do when I'm overseas and an so-so job about what happens when I'm in the States. This is mainly done through newsletters that I send out on, at least, a monthly basis. I didn't realize these newsletters are not enough for building partnerships with people.

I haven't finished the book but so far some of the challenges I've taken away are...

1. Be a listener- as much as I've changed while overseas the people back home have been changing and growing as well. My role isn't to come back home and unload all of my stories. Part of developing relationships is listening to the other persons stories. 

2. Don't look at people with dollar signs in your eyes- I've intellectually known this for awhile but I've realized more and more lately that if I am to be fruitful it's going to take a lot more than money. Looking beyond how much money people can give to me is vital in order for me to build a solid network of supporters.

3. Be generous- I've always used the excuse that "I'm a poor college student" or "I'm not going to have a real paycheck" to not give to others in my same position. However, how can I expect people to be willing to give to me if I'm not willing to give to others? *Ouch*

4. Make communication personal- this one was the most convicting to me. I send out mass emails and newsletters and I feel, as I'm sure my supporters do, disconnected. So this time I sent out a paper copy of my letter and enclosed a note for each person/family. In addition, I hand wrote all of the addresses. I realized how out of touch I was with most of my supporters when it came to writing a note. For some of them I had no idea what was going on in their lives. I'm committing to change that starting now.

As I said these are only some of the lessons I've learned. After I finish the book, I'll write a whole review. If you would like to receive one of these letters in the mail and/or would like to be added to my distribution list send me an email with your info and I'll get one out to you ASAP :)

The letter sending process:

My box full of letters!

My stationery and stamps...I thought the Disney stamps were a nice touch :)

One day and 52 letters later (this picture is intentionally blurred and smaller because people's personal info is on these envelopes).

Friday, July 6, 2012

Battling Loneliness and Finding Community

Location: Old Town - Chicago, IL

*I haven't been on Blogger in a couple days so this a belated 4th of July post*

I've been struggling with loneliness lately. 

Not for romantic reasons but just plain friendship reasons. 

The majority of my friends are scattered around the globe as they have just graduated or are on summer break from school. I'm currently the only college student in a Mexican church. All of my jobs, save one, require me to work alone or with small children. I miss hanging out with people who are in the same stage of life as me. I miss processing life with other young women. Lucky for me I have some dear friends; Dawn, Whitney and Annie who have been up for texting and calling. However, I was longing to see people face to face.

Lucky for me Elizabeth and Gabby came to the rescue :) Elizabeth invited me out for breakfast on Monday and subsequently invited me to hang out with them on the 4th of July. It's amazing how much my stress and loneliness level decreased after one evening with these ladies. I praise God that He brought these young women in my life.

However, through this I became convicted of my lack of dependence on Jesus to soothe my loneliness. I've talked about Jesus being all that I need but in this area of my life I struggle. I forget that Jesus knew exactly what it was like to be lonely and isolated, the epitome of this being on the Cross. I have the ability to lay my loneliness at His feet and He will comfort me. He chose me and redeemed me. This allows me to live in Christ and stand before my God healed and whole. Thank you Jesus.

Now for a couple pictures:

The fireworks :)

Elizabeth, Gabby and I ready for 3-D Fireworks!

P.S. I planning on writing the post about the Bible study I did here soon!

Have a blessed weekend!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thanking God for a headache

Location: Old Town - Chicago, IL

I'm a scheduler. With four part-time jobs I have to be or I would lose my mind. Yesterday, my schedule went to pieces.

Not just running late...

Not a missed appointment...

My schedule crumbled to bits and pieces. As I was sitting in the unending Chicago traffic on my way out to bank I started getting a severe headache. I was trying to figure out how I could fix the current dilemma. As the pounding in my head increased, I took a deep breath and turned on one of my favorite Spanish praise songs. I made a conscious decision to use my time in traffic to praise God for my situation.

From that point on the afternoon continued to bring one stressor after another but I meditated on:

"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."(Philippians 4:6-7 ESV)

God is teaching me to be joyful in the midst of difficult circumstances, to surrender all and trust Him. 

Luckily, I got an exciting surprise that evening :) I got to speak to the principal of the school I will be teaching at this fall. It was so helpful to speak to him and get some of my questions answered. It's going to be a busy 2 months!

Monday, July 2, 2012

miscellany monday

Location: Irving Park - Chicago, IL

miscellany monday at lowercase letters

1. I HAVE A TEACHING JOB!!!!!!!!!! I'm going overseas to teach ESL officially and I can't believe it. I'm actually going to do what I've been studying for the past four years. I'm in a bit of shock and for security reasons I can't post too much about it. But if you would like to receive my update letters via email let me know :)

2. That being said I have until August 22nd to get all my stuff in order. More moving and reorganizing, but for a very exciting reason. I'm sure my friend Annie will give me all sorts of grief as she always does when I leave for overseas. Never mind that she's going to Spain soon!!!!!

3. I had a really fun weekend :) Both Friday and Saturday I only had to go to one of my jobs and got to spend some time relaxing. It's been awhile since I haven't had multiple jobs in one day. I wonder what it will be like when I just have one full time job instead of four part time jobs.

4. I've spent more time in Starbucks that past couple weeks than anywhere else. The place I'm staying doesn't have internet and since I'll only be there until August it's not worth it to try to get it installed. However, I'm still keeping my caffeine addiction at bay by ordering iced tea. We'll see how long that lasts.

5. As mentioned in #3 my friend Annie is leaving me for Spain. Head over to her blog if you want to know more about it and would like to support her! We managed to spend over 3 hours on the phone on Saturday and I can honestly say I'm going to miss that girl like no other!

How was your weekend? Any exciting summer plans?

Happy Monday!