Wednesday, July 11, 2012

On My Way {Part 2}

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

*I leave 6 weeks from tomorrow (CRAZY RIGHT?!?!?!?!) for my very first official teaching job. I was inspired by the way my friend Annie shared her journey to Spain and started a series of posts titled "On My Way".*

It all began May 12th. I had walked across the stage. All of my stuff was officially moved out of the dorm. I had a couple five jobs that would last me until the of the summer. Then what?

The question plagued me as the big dark cloud (also known as the fall after graduation) loomed nearer and nearer. Every day I woke up having to surrender this anxiety to the Lord, seeking the peace that transcends all understanding.

I had put off grad school known that it wasn't where God had me in the fall. The security of school had vanished and I had to start applying for jobs. Thanks to the generosity of my pastor and his wife I was able to live in their house (RENT FREE!) until I figured out what I was going to do. I had a whole team of people praying for me and so I began the post-grad job hunt.

I didn't limit myself to teaching jobs, though inwardly that was my desire. I went on interview after interview. I found an apartment and then it fell through. A couple jobs looked promising but then they found someone else. The only thing I new for sure was that I would be going to a two week orientation in Texas. Beyond that I had no idea. By May 25th I was really struggling.

I prayed and I prayed, hoping the Lord would open a door.

And five days later He did :)

*Anybody interested in receiving my update emails with more specifics about this trip let me know (via comment or email) and I'll put you on my list*

1 comment:

  1. yeah! so excited for you, thanks for sharing some more of the story! love Katie
