Monday, July 9, 2012

miscellany monday

Location: Brighton Park - Chicago, IL

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. I had a Skype conference call with the principal and some of the teachers I will be working with this fall last Thursday. If it's possible this only made me more excited. We have another conference call this Thursday and we're going to focus more on getting to know each other. I'll be leaving 6 weeks from this Thursday...crazy right?!?!?!?!

2. I got to spend Saturday morning with my lovely friend Dawn. We got breakfast, did some shopping and hung out at her place. Due to our busy schedules we only get to see each other about once a month. It's always a treat :)

3. Sunday School went really well for what I would consider the first time since January. My gifting is not necessarily with young children but I'm learning a lot. 

Some of my boys begrudgingly let me take a picture of them

Frisbee time outside

The city isn't big on front lawns

Sidewalk chalk was also quite popular :)

4. I sent out my letters this weekend, officially announcing my trip overseas. I'm already getting some responses and I'm thankful to God for the people on my support team. *If you would like to receive these letters, send me an email and I'll put you on my list :)*

5. My to do list is getting longer and longer and so I've decided to make it my goal this week to finish everything on these 4 post-its. I'm sure new stuff will come up this week but if I can finish all of this by the end of the week I'll be one happy camper.

How was your weekend? Anyone else have some lengthy to do lists for the week?

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