Monday, September 17, 2012

Here, Master

Here, Master, in this quiet place, where anyone may kneel,
I also come to ask for grace believing you can heal.

If pain of body, stress of mind destroys my inward peace
In prayer for others may I find the secret of release.

If self upon its sickness feeds and turns my life to gall,
Let me not brood upon my needs but simply tell you all.

You never said “You ask too much” to any troubled soul.
I long to feel your healing touch. Will you not make me whole?

But if the thing I most desire is not your way for me,
May faith, when tested in the fire prove its integrity.

Of all my prayers let this be chief: Till faith is fully grown
Lord, disbelieve my unbelief and claim me as your own.

This is a liturgical piece from a hymnal at my alma mater. It was originally written with no music but one morning during our fellowship time at school we sang it. After hearing it the first time I went in search of the band who put music to the words but I couldn’t find it. I found out from one of my friends that someone from school probably put music to it. It saddened me not to be able to have the song on my iPod and be able to listen to it when I began to doubt. 

Just last night something, I still can’t remember what, brought this song to my mind and I did a Google search to try to find the lyrics. A video popped up and I was thrilled to see a student who graduated with me played it during his internship and put the video up on Vimeo. I’ve embedded it below for you. It’s a beautiful, moving and inspiring piece. When doubt threatens to undo me I turn to this piece to remind me of who my Father is.


  1. Love this!!!!! =D Thanks for sharing!

  2. so good! Thank you for sharing so much

  3. Love the Video

  4. Oh my, that was really touching and inspirational. I love the lyrics, the music and the way it was sung. Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful video. It just made me realize that there’s nobody to turn to in times of trouble and suffering, but only to Him, the powerful and merciful one.

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