Friday, December 14, 2012


it's ameera's birthday today! i'm annie and i'm taking over her blog to celebrate. ameera and i were born exactly two weeks apart, and in the six or so years we've been friends, we've always celebrated our birthdays in tandem.

ameera is overseas this year, so we're not able to celebrate in the way we've been able to in previous years. but i still want to make this a memorable birthday for her, and i want you to help! just leave a comment here with your birthday wishes or click to tweet this birthday message.

happy birthday ameera! you are one of my best friends and i am so blessed because of that. i hope you have an absolutely fabulous birthday!

ps. i don't suppose we could agree a year ahead of time to spend our 23rd birthdays in the same country at least? ;]


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY beautiful lady!! I hope that you had and are still having an amazing day!

  2. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, sweet friend!

    P.S. I sent you a card via email earlier...I hope you got it! :) :)
